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Aim of the Course:
• The student will be familiar with theories related to drama and theatre , both eastern and
western from Bharata and Aristotle to modern theatre
• They will be able to understand and analyses plays in relation to history, culture and
• They will be empowered in conceptualising and implementing theatrical projects.

Objectives of the Course:
● To impart a general critical understanding of the history of theatre and performance as a
powerful medium of creative communication practice
● To introduce the students to modern theatre practice with special focus on the proactive and
interactive potential of drama and theatre.
● To stimulate creative exploration of ideas and expression of these ideas through dramatic
forms and theatre conventions.

Number of Credits-4

Teaching methods (Enter what fraction of the different methods is used/planning to use):

Lecture Method 40%
Practical method 30%
Peer analysis &Group Discussions 30%

Suggested Reading:

• Recommended Texts N. Fraser, Theatre History Explained, Crowood Press, 2004 M.
• Wallis & S. Shepherd, Studying plays, London& New York, Hodder Education, 2002.
• Williams Raymond. Drama from Ibsen To Brecht Pengin books,1968 O. Brockett. A
History of the Theatre. Allen and Bacon, 1991

Skill Level: Beginner