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V Semester B. COM- Income Tax Law and Accounts -BCM B09

Aim of the Course 

➤ To impart basic knowledge and equip students with application of principles and provisions Income tax Act, 1961 amended up to date. 

Objectives of the Course

To provide knowledge about income tax laws in force for the relevant previous year
• To give an insight into procedural aspects for assessment of tax liability for various assesses as        per IT Act, 1961 and IT Rules, 1962 
• To provide working knowledge on the computation of different heads of income

Semester Period                     -       05/06/2024-31/10/2024

Total No.of hours                    -       85

No.of Credit                             -       4

Course Evaluation                  -       Internal-20 , External -80

Modules engaged by faculty  -      1,2


 Module I

Basic Concepts: Income- Agricultural Income- Person- Assessee - Assessment year- Previous Year- Gross total Income- Total Income- Maximum marginal rate of tax- Residential Status - Scope of total income on the basis of residential status- Exempted incomes

Module II

Computation of Income under Different Heads: Salaries- Allowances- Perquisites - Profit in lieu of salary- Gratuity - Pension 

Module III

Income from house property : Annual value of house property - Computation under different circumstances - Deduction from annual value

Module IV

Profits and Gains of Business or Profession: Definition - Computation - Allowable Expenses & non allowable expenses- General deductions -  Provisions relating to depreciation 

Module V

Capital Gains: Definition of Capital Assets - Longterm and short term- Transfers- Cost of Acquisition - Cost of improvement - Exempted capital gains- Income from other sources : Definition - Computation

Skill Level: Beginner