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Lecture Hours per week: 3, Credits: 3

Internal: 10, External: 40, Examination 2 Hours


enable the students to have an understanding of the basics of business, entrepreneurship and organizational management.
Module I
Foundation of Business: Concept of business - Industry, Trade and Commerce - Classification of Industry, Types of trade and Aids to trade - Forms of Business enterprises-Sole trader - Partnership - Joint-stock Companies - Cooperative organisations - One man company. Factors to be considered while setting up of a business - Social Responsibility of business.

(18 Hours, 15 marks)

Module II

Entrepreneurship: Concept of entrepreneur - Characteristics of entrepreneur - Functions of an entrepreneur - Difference between entrepreneur and manager - Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, Definition, Registration procedure of Sole proprietorship and partnership units.

(10 Hours, 10 marks)

Module III

Management Concepts: Meaning - Nature and characteristics of management - Management as science, art and profession - Levels of management -Henry Fayol's Principles of management. Functions of Management: Planning - Steps in planning - Organising - Types of organisation - Line, Staff and Functional- Centralisation Vs decentralisation - Authority Vs responsibility - Staffing - Elements of Staffing - Directing - Leadership - Leadership styles - Controlling - Steps in controlling •

Skill Level: Beginner