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Lectures Hours per week: 5, Credit - 4

Internal: 20, External: 80, Examination 2.5 Hours Objectives:

  • To enable the students to understand the concept and relevance of Management
  • To provide the students an understanding about the use of accounting and costing data for planning, control, and decision making.

Module I

Management Accounting: Nature and Scope - Difference between cost Accounting, Financial accounting and Management accounting - Recent trends in Management Reporting.

Module II

Analysis and Interpretation of Financial Statements: Meaning - Types and Methods of Financial Analysis - Comparative Statements - Trend Analysis - Common size Statements (a general discussion only).

Module III Ratio Analysis: Meaning - Nature - uses and limitations of Ratios - Liquidity, Profitability, Turnover, Solvency, Leverage. Market test Ratios. Construction of Financial Statements from ratios - Judgment of financial stability through ratios - 

Module IV

Fund Flow and Cash Flow Analysis:

  1. Fund Flow Statements: Meaning and concept of Fund - Current and Non Current Accounts Flow of fund - Preparation of Fund Flow statement - Uses and Significance.
  2. Cash Flow Statement: Difference between Fund flow Statement and Cash flow Statement - Preparation of Cash Flow Statement as per AS - 3 Norms - Direct and Indirect methods (Stress to be given to Problems).


presentation - Decision making : Fixation of Selling Price - Exploring new markets - Make or Buy - Key Factor - Product Mix - Operate or Shutdown.

Skill Level: Beginner