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Credit points:3

Hours per week:3



Number of modules:5

Number of Chapters:7

Course Aim:

  • To help the students to become competent researchers and to acquaint students with process and methodology of research.

Course Objectives:

  • To enable students for acquiring basic knowledge in research methods and to develop basic skills in them to conduct survey researches and case studies.
  • To enable students to identify research problems, collect and analyze data and present results.
  • To familiarize students with data collection methods, sampling techniques and data analysis procedures. 



Module 1: Research: Basic concepts - Meaning Objectives Types -Approaches Significance of research in social sciences - Process of research - Formulating problem - Literature Survey - Hypothesis - Research Design - Types - Exploratory, Descriptive, Diagnostic, Experimental - Sample Design - Collecting, analyzing, testing, interpreting and presenting result.                    15 hours

Module 2: Population Survey and Sample Study: Population & Sample-Sampling theories - Techniques of sampling - Random and Non random techniques - Sample Size Determination of sample size Sampling Errors - Non sampling Errors - Factors influencing sample size - Optimum sample size - Case Study - Pilot Survey.                                                                                                              20 hours

Module 3: Data collection: collection of Primary Data - Methods of Data Collection Observation - Field Survey Questionnaire - Interview Schedule - Preparation of Questionnaire - Process of Interviewing - Collection of secondary data Sources of secondary data.                                10 hours

Module 4: Measurement and Scaling: Variables - Attributes - Process of measurement Attitude Measurement - Scaling - Scaling Techniques - Graphic Rating - Likert Thurstone - Semantic Differential - Stapel - Dichotomous - Scales - Types of Scales Scale Values - Validity and Reliability of Scales - Errors in measurement.                                                                                                 20 hours

Module 5: Data Processing and Presentation: Field Work - Editing Classification - Coding-Tabulation - Summarization - Analysis of data -One way ANOVA - Univariate, Bivariate and Multi variable methods - Tools of Analysis - Descriptive Analysis - Inferential analysis - Interpretation - Presentation - Report Writing - Types of Reports - Contents of Reports - Format of Reports - Documentation Styles. Plagiarism (Theory only)                                                                                                                    15 hours                     

Theory 60% Problem 40%

Skill Level: Beginner