On completion of the course the students will be able to learn different OR technique useful in managerial decision.
COURSE OUTCOME:After the completion of the course students should be able to:-● Distinguish diverse cultures and modes of expression.● Discuss issues of cultural plurality and hybridity● Identify literary negotiations of colonization and decolonization, identity, inequality,marginalization and so on.● Point out the canon of English literature, Commonwealth literature, Post Colonialism andthe context of New Literatures
Course Objectives To familiarize the learners with all the basic concepts and components of different genres ofcreative writing.17 To ignite their creative writing talents through controlled and free practice. To develop their critical and analytical skills in appreciating works written by peers.Learning Outcomes Students learn how to identify and appreciate various writing styles. They develop abilities to critically reflect on other’s writings from different angles. They acquire skills to prune their writing skills and analytical skills.
BBA6B 14 PROJECT MANAGEMENTLecture Hours per week: 3 Credits: 2Internal: 15: External : 60Objective: To enable the students to acquire basic knowledge of different facets of ProjectManagement.Learning Outcome : On learning the course the students will be able to1. Understand the different concepts of managing a project2. Analyse the viability of a project.Module I: Project Management ;Meaning, Characteristics and importance project management;Classification of Projects, Project Life Cycle and its Phases- identification, formulation andimplementation . Appraisal of Projects – Market feasibility, technical feasibility, financial feasibility -– feasibility report. . Financial Appraisal of a Project – Project Evaluation Techniques – traditionaland modern (theory only).20 HoursModule II: Project Financing; Project Financing Capital structure, sources of finance Marginmoney, promoter’s contribution, consortium lending and local syndication by banks, financingthrough markets and public issues, Term loans and debentures 10 HoursModule III:Project Implementation and Control: Organizing human resources, systems andprocedure for project implementation.Working of systems, Design of systems, project work systemdesign, work breakdown structure, project execution plan, project control system, project diary,project control –scope/progress control, performance control, schedule control and cost control18 Hours
Fundamentals of food technology which focuses on the relationship between food nutrition and functional foods. this includes the basic food groups like cereals pulses, cereals, oilseeds, fruits and vegetables, spices, fish poultry, seafood, milk and dairy products. Here we apply scientific method of enquiry as it relates to the measurement of sensory , chemical and physical properties of foods. this develop an insight about the existing modern techniques and their application in food processing preservation.
Fundamentals of food technology which focuses on the relationship between food nutrition and functional foods. This include the basic food groups like cereals, pulses, oilseeds, fruits and vegetables, meat, fish, spices, poultry, seafood, milk and dairy products. Also deals with the scientific method of enquiry as it relates to the measurement of sensory, chemical and physical properties of foods. this will develop an insight about the existing modern techniques and their applications in food processing preservation.
COURSE CODE-ENG1FFM105 COURSE TITLE-INTRODUCING PRINT AND DIGITAL NARRATIVES TYPE OF COURSE-MULTI-DISCIPLINARY COURSE (MDC) SEMESTER-1 CREDIT-3 PRE-REQUISITES-Basic understanding of the English language, literary sensibility and a desire to enhance language proficiency and sensibility for personal and professional growth. COURSE SUMMARY-The course is designed primarily for the generation of digital natives and their diverse interests. Specifically, the course aims to generate an aesthetic and humane sensibility that will equip learners to appreciate and accept various forms of life and art while focusing on philosophical/political questions about life in general and marginalised communities, in particular.
Credit:4 Lectureper week:3 Practicalper week:2 Course Outcomes (CO): CO1 Differentiate basic data structures (arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues) based on their characteristics,operations, and real-world applications. CO2 Perform basic operations (e.g., )insertion, deletion, search) on fundamental data structures using a chosen programming language. CO3 Identify the properties and applications of advanced data structures (trees,graphs). CO4 investigate the properties of various searching and sorting Techniques CO5 Demonstrate critical thinking and problem-solving skills by applying data structures and algorithms to address complex computational challenges. CO6 Implement and analyse different data structure algorithms(to solve practical problems Detailed Syllabus:ModuleUnit Content Hrs(45+30)Marks(70)I Introduction to Data Structures and Basic Algorithms 1 Overview of Data Structures: Data type Vs. Data structure, ADT,Definition of Data structure, Data structure Classification – Linear, Non- Linear (Array, Linked List, Stack, Queue, Tree, Graph) Introduction to Arrays: Definition, Types (1 Dimensional, 2Dimensional, Multi-Dimensional, Sparse matrix), Different Array Operations with Algorithm (insertion, deletion, traversal Structures and Self-referential structures Introduction to Linked list: Definition, Types (Single linked list,Doublelinked list, Circular linked list- concept only). Singly Linked List Operations with Algorithm (insertion, deletion,traversal) 2 Introduction to Stack: Definition, stack operations with Algorithm, Applications: recursion, infix to postfix - example and Algorithm Implementation of Stack: using array (overflow & underflow) and Linkedlist (with algorithm) Introduction to Queue: Definition, queue operations with Algorithm, Types: Double ended queue (Input Restricted and Output restricted), Circular queue, Applications Implementation of Queue: using array and Linked list (withalgorithm)I 3 Non- Linear Data Structures Introduction to Trees: Basic terminology, Types(Binary tree- complete,full, skewed etc., Expression Tree) Properties of Binary tree, Applications. Binary tree representations- using array and linked list 2 Operations on Binary tree- Insertion, Deletion, Traversal- inorder, preorder, postorder - (concepts with examples) Algorithm of non-recursive Binary tree traversal Introduction to Graph: Definition, Basic terminology, Types (Directed,Undirected, Weighted). Graph representation –Adjacency list and Adjacency Matrix, Applications. 4 Sorting and Searching : Introduction to Sorting: Definition, Classification (Internal, External) Internal Sorting Algorithms: Selection sort- Selection sort algorithm, Exchange sort- Bubble sort algorithm External Sorting Algorithms: Merge sort- Demonstrate with example.(NoAlgorithm needed) Advanced sorting Algorithm-: Quick sort- Demonstrate with example. Introduction to Searching: Linear search and Binary search(Algorithm needed) with example. Hashing: Hash Tables, Hash Functions, Different Hash Functions –Division method, Multiplication method, Mid square method, Folding Method, Collision and Collision resolution Techniques: Open hashing- Chaining, Closed hashing- Probing5 5 Hands-on Programming in Data Structures: Practical Implement the following: 1. Basic Operations in a single linked list (Menu driven) 2. Sort the elements in given singly linked list 3. Stack using array. 4. Stack using Linked list 5. Queue using Array 6. Queue using Linked list 7. Sorting algorithms- Selection, Bubble Sort 8. Searching Algorithms- Linear and Binary search